Endeavors are in progress to accomplish 100,000 marks before the US White House will formally need to react to the request. In the United States, Sikhs for Justice volunteers have driven mark drives to assemble marks at different Gurdwaras. Comparable endeavors have likewise been found in India, Pakistan and parts of Europe. In India, alongside Bibi Jagdish Kaur, a 1984 genocide survivor, and Karnail Singh Peer Mohammad (PM) from Sikhs for Justice together bid the Sikh masses to blacklist Independence Day festivities as they claimed everybody to sign the request. PM reported to dissent against the Indian monstrosities on Independence Day in challenge of Sikh genocide of 1984. He said that the Sikh personality has been converged inside Hindu fold in the area 25-B of Indian constitution.
"We would like to get 100,000 marks by August 5 on the request moved by SFJ. After this, the US White House will need to give an official answer," he said.
Bibi Jagdish Kaur (an observer in 1984 Sikh genocide) additionally requested the entire Sikh people group to sign the appeal recorded before White House as she shared her own story from 1984 slaughters where her relatives were murdered. On November 11, 2015, Sikhs for Justice legitimate counsel had asked the US White House to mediate and look for the arrival of Jathedar Bhai Jagtar Singh Hawara who was named as the Jathedar of the Khalsa Panth by Sarbat Khalsa. Because of the appeal which was marked by 100,000 Sikhs, President Barrack Obama declined to intercede in remote criminal equity framework. In its announcement, the White House said –
The Presidnt has clarified that our country's profound admiration for religious freedom and pluralism must not stop at our shores. In a location to the general population of India a year ago, the President focused on the significance of these basic standards to both our majority rule governments:
"In both our nations, in India and in America, our differing qualities is our quality. What's more, we need to make preparations for any endeavors to separation ourselves along partisan lines or whatever other lines. Furthermore, on the off chance that we do that well, if America shows itself for instance of its assorted qualities but then the ability to live respectively and cooperate in like manner exertion, in like manner reason; if India, as huge as it seems to be, with so much differing qualities, such a large number of contrasts can persistently assert its majority rule government, that is a case for each other nation on Earth."
The United States stays focused on planning with governments around the globe to advance religious opportunity for all residents. We urge you to keep on using the We the People stage to request of the Administration to make a move on the strategy issues you think about, however we can't remark here on the particular outside criminal equity matter brought up in your appeal.
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