It is eminent here that aggregate 650 cases were enrolled in connection to Sikh genocide of 1984 happened after the death of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Prior in June, a few cases were suggested for re-examinations, be that as it may, no advancement has been made in these cases in this way. By and large, Government makes commercials requesting that witnesses record affirmations, in any case, the procedure closes there as their claims either don't contact the right individuals, or the onlookers are excessively apprehensive, making it impossible to present their confirmation.
In February 2015, a SIT was named on the suggestion of the advisory group initiated by the previous Judge of the Supreme Court of India, Justice GP Mathur. The SIT was made to document provides details regarding the cases inside six months, however later its legitimacy was reached out for one year with no reason.
Prior, hypotheses were being made that SIT could open 186 out of 241 cases (considered for re-examination). In any case, the late disclosure by Union Home State Minister Hansraj Gangaram Ahir has at the end of the day demonstrated that the Sikhs will stay denied of equity in India. Various Investigation commissions delegated by different Indian governments have yielded nothing to benefit equity to the casualties in the most recent 32 years.
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